About Dr. Malzac
Dr. Malzac
qualified in Medicine and Surgery from Alexis Carrel’s Medical School in Lyon (France) in 1988 with an experimental thesis after having received his decennial medical training at the Military Academy of Medicine at Lyon (France). In 1989 he meets Prof. H.M. Lernout and becomes his serious student by giving himself up completely to the study of Innovative Immunology. As a result of his explorations Dr. Malzac deeply studies new strains: immune remedies, homeopathized amino acids and of course homeopathized cytokynes. He has actively participated with Prof. Lernout in the drafting of several issues related to those themes, among which an updated Homeopathic Materia Medica. Simultaneously, Dr. Malzac deepens his understanding of the Sport Medicine by developing homeopathic therapeutical protocols in order to restrict spreading of doping.
At present Dr. Malzac is on the specialist register of the Medical Doctors Association in Lecce (Italy). He is registered and recognized to practice as independent Medical Doctor in the Canton Genève (Switzerland). Dr. Malzac is currently closely associated in in Research and Development of new homeopathic drugs for the treatment of autoimmune and chronic diseases. He regularly cooperates with scientific and clinical laboratories of GUNA, OTI and RENACO by R.I. GROUP and enjoys teaching in professional training courses is several countries.
Dr. Malzac is actually President of the Academy of Biological Consecutive Medicine which offers annual seminars and training courses both for health practitioners and for medicals in order to develop this therapeutic technique for the treatment of autoimmune and chronic diseases. He regularly teaches at Milan (Italy) but is also available for webmeetings and webinar. This provides use of telemedicine for the management of long-term therapies.
• Formulation, development and trials of different clinical innovative formulations within homeopathic and plant medicine.
• Study and clinical development of new therapeutical techniques in order to rebalance chronic diseases, particularly autoimmune ones and vaccine damage.
• School of Medical Education in Italy and Switzerland.
• Cooperation with several professional organizations for the treatment autoimmune and chronic diseases.
Consecutive Therapy and Biological Consecutive Medicine training courses both for health practitioners and for medicals held at Hotel Auriga in Milan (Italy).
Available info for registrations for year 2015 at;
• Training on Biological Consecutive Medicine and development of new formulations.
• Active Member from May 2014 of the Union of Professional Homeopaths of Quèbec.
• He actually teaches as professor at the School of Biological Consecutive Medicine, since January 2014.
• Professor at A.I.O.T.– Italian Academy of Traditional Osteopathic Medicine since 1995.
• Member of Scientific Committee of society GUNA S.p.A. since 1995.
• Working in research and clinical development of new formulations of homeopathic medicines remedies under physiological adjustment, surgeon, medical office since 1990.
• Dr. Malzac currently holds clinics in Italy at Lecce, Bari, Rome, Milan, Padua, Genoa and Sardinia.
• On request, possibility of consultations and web seminars via Skype.
Dr. Malzac has written extensively articles on basic research, published both in French and in Italian Scientific Journals. He also boasts issue of some very important primary and significant treatises, among which:
Homeopathic Materia Medica of Clinical Immunology 2007, Nuova Ipsa Editions;
Book of Physiological Medicine of Regulation 2010, Scientific Editions Still;
Urgency Homeopathic Materia Medica in the Physiological Medicine of Regulation 2011,
Scientific Editions Still;
Les Cashiers de Medecine Physiologique de Regulation 2012, Scientific Editions Still
Book of Vaccines in the Physiological Medicine of Regulation 2013, Scientific Editions Still
Doctor Gianluca Pianti
Psychologist in Development and Training, specialized in Transactional analysis, was born in Oristano (Sardinia-Italy) in June of year 1971.
After high school diploma he graduates in Psychology by the University of Cagliari by presenting his thesis in Psychopathology and Homeopathic Materia Medica, a connection bridge between Neurosciences, Homeopathy and applications in medical-psychological sphere. Right after the university training he performs in a high intensity rehabilitation clinic with neuropsychological activity and psychological support towards disabled persons, particularly for ones in pediatric age.
Meanwhile he starts cooperation with Dr Jerome Luis Robert Malzac, a French doctor, by proposing his theoretical approach within the psychopathologies area and later translates and works on the following italian books: Emergency Materia Medica in the Physiological Regulation Medicine, Physiological Regulation Medicine and the Book of Vaccines in the Regulation Physiological Medicine of the same French Dr Jerome Luis Robert Malzac with cooperation of the Scientific Editions STILL.
In the same period he starts his studies concerning the Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic Medicine by continuing his cooperation with Dr Malzac. The theoretical approach is then also promoted for a possible application within the psychological area in the Integrated Materia Medica, by publishing the “Sheets of organs cleaning in compliance with the Meridians of the Traditional Chinese Medicine” within the Physiological Regulation Medicine. In this period he finishes specialization in the Psychological High School Clinic – IFREP – by achieving the title of Transactional Analyst. Therefore he earns the Master in Alzheimer and other Dementia, by specializing in Neuropsychology.
From year 2013 he starts cooperating with Laboratorio Renaco Italia ( R.I. Group S.r.L.) for the development of some phytotherapic remedies in accordance with method BIOLOGICAL CONSECUTIVE MEDICINE (MBC), by carrying on the theoretical evolution, the presentation of the drugs, techniques applied to diagnosis for the utilization of the remedies and the classification of medical plants and homeopathic substances on the basis of the System’s physiological reactivity. In this project, moreover integrates and classifies flower remedies within the System of Consecutive Therapy.
Professionally speaking, Dr Pianti clinically follows patients having anxiety and personality disorders, problems linked to geriatric age by supporting the therapeutical importance of the integration of the psychophysiological balance, following P.N.E.I. foundations.
Doctor Antonio Vivaldi
After technical high-school certificate and after engineering university studies he decides to apply himself to the study of Natural Medicine and of Manual Therapies, undertaking learnings in Kinesiology, Naturopathy and Osteopathy. He has studied Osteopathy and Kinesiology in Italy, Belgium and England, by specializing in this way in the modality of Integration of the above-mentioned disciplines coining modality “OsteoSophy”.
He has considerable experience in the management of spine-pain and of postural disorders, of osteopathic treatment of newborns, of sportsman-related issues, in the treatment of all voice disorders always combining the Holistic vision through personalized techniques going from postural evaluation, correct dietary education, techniques for the management of stress and integration with micro and macro nutrients.
Since year 2015 he cooperates with RENACO as trainer and consultant for applied Phytotherapy according to the standards of Consecutive Biological Medicine (MBC).
Professional Training Courses:
- 2° Level Master in Osteopathy gained at the Jean Monnet University in Bruxelles (450 ECTS).
- Master for title conversion: from Italian Osteopathy Degree into UK Doctor in Osteopathic Medicine by General Osteopathic Council London UK, sponsored by AOI (Italian Osteopathic Association) and by London School of Osteopathy.
- 5-year professional certificate in Osteopathy D.O. gained at the Popular Bioethical University (Treviso) of Dr. Silvano Pasqualetto.
- 3-year professional certificate in Bio-systematic Kinesiology gained at the C.R.I.K.S. (Integrated Research Center for the sperimental Kinesiology CSEN/CONI) (180 ECTS).
- 3-year professional certificate in Naturopathy gained at the popular University A.E.ME.TRA.
- Degree at Saint George School (BS) for the course of masseur and CB ( ex-masseur and physiotherapist)
auxiliary art of Sanitary Professions (ref. RD n. 1334 of 1928).
- Master degree in PNL - humanistic level N.F.N.L.P. Florida USA.
- Certificate of Personal Trainer ASC – CONI.
Specialization courses:
- Course of Biological Consecutive Medicine of Prof. Jean Louis Robert Malzac (RENACO by R.I. GROUP SRL).
- Course of specialization in osteopathic manipulation of larynx, tongue dysfunctions – A.O.I. relator Valentina Carlile Osteopathic Certificate.
- Course of specialization in athletic preparation with micro and macro nutrition in amateur and professional sportsmen; Merida Health Project (Dr Massimo Caliendo; Dr Luigi Mancini; Dr Ezio Abbiati; Dr Carlo Gualdascione).
- Certified Clinic in Osteopathy by the London School of Osteopathy (London), clinic supervised by David Lintonbon DO PGCert (Clin Ed).
- Structural Osteopathic specialized course, HVT techniques, LVT short and long lever, MET for lower limb and pelvis; spinal column; upper limb and cervical rachis, mandibular dysfunctions and malocclusion –course held by David Lintonbon DO PGcert (Clin Ed).
- Course of Manipulative miotensiva of rachis held by T.d.R. D.C. Gianni Bazzani by C.R.I.K.S. (Integrated Research Center for the sperimental Kinesiology).
- Posturology course following Dr Briccot methodology, held by T.d.R. D.C. Gianni Bazzani by C.R.I.K.S. (Integrated Research Center for the sperimental Kinesiology).
- Phytotherapy course held by Dr Ezio Abbiati by C.R.I.K.S. (Integrated Research Center for the sperimental Kinesiology).
- Natural Food Course by A.E.ME.TRA. Popular University of Turin.
- Herbalist and olygotherapy by A.E.ME.TRA. Popular University of Turin.
- Yoga teacher certificate by Yin/Yang ArciNatura Center.
- Teaching certificate for martial art by Academy of Martial Arts of Monza.
- Teaching patent for Karate by FILPKJ Lombardy region.
Teachings and Educational Directorates:
- Director of Education of Holistic Medicine Association. Teacher for Osteopathic and Kinesiology course. Teacher of applied Phytotherapy.
- Co-founder and Director of Education by the Kinesiology Institute. Professional training school for integrated Kinesiology and Osteopathy, teacher in Kinesiology, Osteopathy, Posturology, Biomechanics, neurology applied to Osteopathy.
- ITARD teacher (accredited training center in Lombardy Region) for the training of MCB (masseurs and hydro therapist ref. RD n°1334 of 1928), teacher in therapeutical massage and myo-fascial, Posturology, Bio-mechanics, Kinesiology.
- University Professor at Popular Bioethical University (Treviso) for the course of Osteopathy, teacher in structural Osteopathy, Clinical Osteopathy, Biomechanics, Kinesiology.
- Teacher at IKSEN (Specialized Kinesiology and Naturopathy Institute) for applied anatomy and physiology.
- Teacher for updating courses for Kinesiologist IKSEN.
- Teacher by CSEN (national educational sport center recognized by CONI and from Ministry of Interior), for training courses as Personal Trainer and Holistic Personal Trainer and Kinesiology.